This means approximate match is the default mode, which can be dangerous. Important: range_lookup is optional defaults to TRUE. When range_lookup is FALSE, VLOOKUP performs an exact match, as in the example above. A good example of this is using VLOOKUP to calculate grades. While VLOOKUP searches for the value in a column, HLOOKUP searches for the value in a row. The word "range" in this case refers to "range of values" – when range_lookup is TRUE, VLOOKUP will match a range of values rather than an exact value. HLOOKUP stands for Horizontal Lookup and can be used to retrieve information from a table by searching a row for the matching data and outputting from the corresponding column. VLOOKUP has two modes of matching, exact and approximate, controlled by the fourth argument, range_lookup. To lookup values to the left, see INDEX and MATCH, or XLOOKUP. VLOOKUP can only look to the right. In other words, you can only retrieve data to the right of the column that holds lookup values: Above, the references are relative to make them easier to read. Note: normally, we would use an absolute reference for H3 ($H$3) and B4:E13 ($B$4:$E$13) to prevent these from changing when the formula is copied. = VLOOKUP (H3 ,B4:E13, 2, FALSE ) // first name = VLOOKUP (H3 ,B4:E13, 3, FALSE ) // last name = VLOOKUP (H3 ,B4:E13, 4, FALSE ) // email address For example, to get the name for order 1004, the formula is: ID, Amount, Name, and State for any order. With the Order number in column B as the lookup_value, VLOOKUP can get the Cust. The purpose of VLOOKUP is to look up information in a table like this: See below for more information on matching. Important: range_lookup is optional and defaults to TRUE, so VLOOKUP will perform an approximate match by default. If range_lookup is FALSE or zero, VLOOKUP will perform an exact match. If range_lookup is TRUE or 1, VLOOKUP will perform an approximate match. Finally, range_lookup controls match behavior. The column_index_num argument indicates column number of the value to retrieve, where the first column of table_array is column 1. The first column of table_array must contain the lookup values to search. Lookup_value is the value to look for, and table_array is the range of vertical data to look inside. VLOOKUP takes four arguments: lookup_value, table_array, column_index_num, and range_lookup. Vlookup is a reference function while if is a conditional statement in excel, these both functions are combined together to find out certain value which meets the criteria and also match the reference value, based on the results of Vlookup function If statements display the result, in other words, we nest Vlookup in If function. Vertical data | Column Numbers | Only looks right | Matching Modes | Exact Match | Approximate Match | First Match | Wildcard Match | Two-way Lookup | Multiple Criteria | #N/A Errors | Videos This article only scratches the surface of what can be done with the vlookup function, but it's best to understand the basics before you learn more advanced techniques. VLOOKUP supports approximate and exact matching, and wildcards (* ?) for partial matches. Vlookup is one of the most commonly used functions in Excel for looking up data, and it's a great one to know. Lookup values must appear in the first column of the table passed into VLOOKUP. VLOOKUP is an Excel function to get data from a table organized vertically.